Monthly Archives: May 2010

May adventures

Oh dear oh dear it seems that I have almost let an entire month go by without posting at least something on my beloved Cute and Delicious. It’s not for lack of cooking or crafting or baking or photos either. I’ve been a busy girl on all fronts. Some of these things really do deserve to be shared, so I’m going to try and give you all a visual taste of a few things I’ve been up to in the past few weeks. Shall we get started?

For the first time in forever, I was able to go to the famed Pasadena flea market. We walked around for hours and there still wasn’t enough time to see everything. I had forgotten how many beautiful trinkets and quality vintage items they have. I snagged up a few little things, like the owls you see above and a lovely red polka dot dress.

There are just so many things though, it’s nice to just see some of the awesome old stuff people collect. Like all these cameras.

We also saw the cutest dog ever. She was a rescue puppy with only one eye. So sweet, her owner just handed her over to Shawn and she was just like a little stuffed animal. Extra fluffy and calm. I’m kind of obsessed with animals that are missing limbs or eyes. Ok I’m weird. Anyway, just a reminder, there are some amazing animals out there that need homes just waiting to be adopted.

For Mother’s day my mom wanted a cherry pie. So I pitted a lot of fresh cherries. 6 cups of cherries actually.

I’ve never been into cherry pie to be honest. I realized, after making this pie, that it is only because I have not had a quality cherry pie.

It was so good, we couldn’t wait for it to cool completely and ate it when it was still a bit saucy. Oh man I dream of this pie. Sweet sweet cherries and a flaky, crispy crust. Yum.

I also stitched up this little hedgehog from a pattern from Sublime Stitching. He’s so adorable but I can’t quite decide what to do with him yet. Any ideas?

I’ve also been testing tiramisu recipes. I never realized how many different ways there are to make tiramisu, let alone a vegan one. It’s been quite a delicious adventure.

There has been so much more, but perhaps that will be for another post. You can also see a few of the things I’ve tagged along on to over at little vegan planet.


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